
I’m a designer. I also write, animate and code but it would fair to say that I usually do these things to service my passion for and interest in design. I don’t have a special or unique origin story – I wasn’t fingerpainting interfaces as a child or whatever. An interest in dumb internet cartoons meant I illegally downloaded Flash and Photoshop in my early teens and spent more time messing around on them than I should have. At least until I was invited out to underage drink in parks, which is likely the reason I decided a degree in art would be worth pursuing.

I attended one presentation where it was revealed you’d need to attend a year-long college course just to produce the required material to even apply. So I opted for the art equivalent of a media studies degree at university over anything as lofty as a vis comms qualification from an art school that keeps burning down. Luckily for me there were plenty of art fundamentals like life drawing in this course, so I didn’t miss out on the opportunity to study a middle-aged man’s naked body once a week. Like many graduates, I left profoundly distrustful of higher education and completely unprepared for any job in the real world.

But I got one anyway. And for 3 years I swam, not sank, at a couple of agencies producing work for small businesses and local authorities and then digital products for international cinemas, mostly in the US. Young and overconfident, I then decided to go out on my own, freelancing for anyone and everyone, managing my own clients and making my own hours. This lasted around 4 years, where – now free from agencies determining my worth – I was able to afford a wedding and a house and start a family.

With mouths to feed, I’m now back to full-time work. Don’t let the irresponsibility of my youth fool you, I can demonstrate through my work an aptitude for carefully considered detail, problem solving and forward planning. I specialise in interaction design but my need to be a generalist may speak to a desire to overlap in skills with my coworkers, as well as my ability to learn new things quickly. If you’re looking to work with an experienced lead product designer who empowers design teams to deliver and has a strong work ethic, but also a sense of humour, then hire me.


Oct 2020 - Present

Lead Interaction Designer


UX/UI design lead on multiple internal products as part of a larger digital transformation and modernisation project. Developing a comprehensive digital design system for rapid prototyping while mentoring a small team of designers.

  • May 2019 - Sep 2020

    Senior UI/UX Designer


  • Jun 2015 - Apr 2019

    Designer & Developer


  • Nov 2017 - Feb 2018 (Contract)

    Lead Designer

    ALLIANCE Scotland

  • Aug 2017 - Nov 2017 (Contract)

    Designer & Project Coordinator


  • Jan 2017 - Apr 2017 (Contract)

    Front End Developer

    Dog Digital

  • Feb 2014 - May 2015

    Digital Designer

    Peach Digital